Frontend and Backend Development Lesson Notes
Frontend and backend are two essential components of a web application. The frontend is the part of the application that interacts with the user, whereas the backend is the part that handles the logic and data processing behind the scenes.
The frontend, also known as the client-side, typically consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that runs in the user's web browser. The frontend handles the user interface, page layout, and overall look of the application. It also handles user interactions, such as submitting forms, clicking buttons, and navigating between pages.
On the other hand, the backend, also known as the server-side, typically consists of a server, a database, and, in our case, APIs. The backend handles the processing and storage of data, manages user authentication and authorization, and handles business logic and rules. The backend also communicates with the frontend, providing the necessary data to render the user interface and processing user inputs.
In our class we mainly use Python and SQL/JSON to create APIs and databases. Here is a simple example of creating a SQL database and using CRUD as well.
What is CRUD
C: The 'C' stands for create, meaning to create a new entry in a database. In this case, creating a new entry about a certain movie or TV show.
R: Read, or to retrieve data from the database. In this case it is selecting the movie/TV shwo that you choose to display.
U: Update, or changing an existing entry in the database. In this case it is selecting the preexisting movie/TV show and changing the values to match what you want.
D: Delete, or removing data from the database. In this case it is selecting the preexisting movie/TV show and removing the entry from the database.
Films API
This API is intended to be used as a list of movies and TV shows that a person has watched. It includes attributes for the Film name(key), the year released, the language, the number of episodes, A list of the number of episodes(using pickletype), and a youtube url for the trailer. The CRUD works as follows: Create: Enter the above mentioned attributes Read: Returns all of the films and their attributes Update: Takes in new episodes watched, and a list of their names, and adds them to their respective attibutes Delete: Option for deleting every film, also takes in a name to delete that film if it exists
from flask import Flask
import sqlite3
app = Flask(__name__)
# Connect to the SQLite database using SQLite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('films.db')
# Create a cursor object to execute SQL commands
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Create a table in the database
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE movies
(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, year INTEGER, epcount INTEGER, language TEXT, trailer TEXT, eplist TEXT)''')
# Commit the changes to the database and close the connection
import sqlite3
def create():
# Ask the user for movie details
title = input("Enter the movie/tv show title: ")
year = input("Enter the movie/tv show release year: ")
epcount = input("Enter the movie/tv show epcount: ")
language = input("Enter the movie/tv show language: ")
eplist = input("Enter the movie/tv show episode names: ")
trailer = input("Enter the link movie/tv show trailer: ")
# Connect to the database and create a cursor to execute SQL commands
database = 'films.db'
connection = sqlite3.connect(database)
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Execute SQL to insert record into db
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO movies (title, year, epcount, language, eplist, trailer) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (title, year, epcount, language, eplist, trailer))
# Commit the changes
print(f"{title} has been added to the list of movies.")
except sqlite3.Error as error:
print("Error while inserting record:", error)
# Close cursor and connection
def read(id):
# Connect to the database and create a cursor to execute SQL commands
database = 'films.db'
connection = sqlite3.connect(database)
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Execute SQL to select a record from db by id
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM movies WHERE id=?", (id,))
# Fetch the record from the cursor
movie = cursor.fetchone()
# If movie exists, print its details, else print message
if movie:
print(f"{movie[0]}. {movie[1]}, {movie[2]}, {movie[3]}, {movie[4]}, {movie[5]}, {movie[6]}")
print("Movie not found.")
# Close cursor and connection
def update(id):
# Connect to the database and create a cursor to execute SQL commands
database = 'films.db'
connection = sqlite3.connect(database)
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Ask the user for movie details to update
title = input("Enter the updated movie/tv show title: ")
year = input("Enter the updated movie/tv show release year: ")
epcount = input("Enter the updated movie/tv show epcount: ")
language = input("Enter the updated movie/tv show language: ")
eplist = input("Enter the updated movie/tv show episode names: ")
trailer = input("Enter the updated link movie/tv show trailer: ")
# Execute SQL to update the record in db
cursor.execute("UPDATE movies SET title=?, year=?, epcount=?, language=?, eplist=?, trailer=? WHERE id=?", (title, year, epcount, language, eplist, trailer, id))
# Commit the changes
print("Movie updated successfully.")
except sqlite3.Error as error:
print("Error while updating record:", error)
# Close cursor and connection
def delete(id):
# Connect to the database and create a cursor to execute SQL commands
database = 'films.db'
connection = sqlite3.connect(database)
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Execute SQL to delete the record from db by id
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM movies WHERE id=?", (id,))
# Commit the changes
print("Movie deleted successfully.")
except sqlite3.Error as error:
print("Error while deleting record:", error)
# Close cursor and connection
- Involves retrieving data from a server or database
- Can use different HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, to perform different types of operations on the server.
- Fetching can be done through a variety of ways including AJAX, XHR, and Axios
- In APCSP we tend to use the Fetch API over anything else
- Fetching involves sending a request to a server using a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), which identifies the location of the resource being requested.
- Can receive data in various formats, including JSON
- JSON data can be parsed into objects and arrays in JavaScript, making it easy to work with and manipulate in the frontend
import requests
url = ""
headers = {
"content-type": "application/octet-stream",
"X-RapidAPI-Key": "8401db6433msh3a46dd5bf23ad2ep19a280jsn48536a994246",
"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
This is a functional fetch of a movies API from Rapid API, but the data isn't very readable. Below is an example of using Pandas to format the key values as a dataframe.
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = ""
headers = {
"content-type": "application/octet-stream",
"X-RapidAPI-Key": "8401db6433msh3a46dd5bf23ad2ep19a280jsn48536a994246",
"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
# Create an empty DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Extract the required information and store it in a list of dictionaries
results = data["results"]
entries = []
for result in results:
entry = {
"id": result["id"],
"title": result["titleText"]["text"],
"release_year": result["releaseYear"]["year"],
"isSeries": result['titleType']['isSeries']
# Convert the list of dictionaries into a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(entries)
Using Pandas to format a request obtained from a 3rd Party API makes it much easier to read and you can select what you want to display as well. Pandas makes it easy to access data that you feel is important.
Write notes below
Frontend/Backend Notes:
- Backend is typically used for databases/storing data
- Frontend usually includes the UI
- Uses languages that include Javascript, Python
- Backend and frontend need to communicate with each other for a program to work
- Short for create, read, update, delete
- These functions are used to manipulate code in the frontend
- Create adds data
- Read will read the data
- Update will make the data change to whatever the user inputs into the program
- Delete will discard the data as requested
- Information is fetched from the backend and sent to the frontend
- Frontend manipulates that data
- Can also send data from the frontend back to the backend and update the database
- Backend can be hosted on a separate server and be fetched to the frontend that way
- Create a completely unique API with all 4 CRUD features (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Create a Fetch API request for your corresponding API
- Attempt a complete website on GitHub Pages including HTML
import requests
import json
url = ""
querystring = {"term":"kiss the rain","locale":"en-US","offset":"0","limit":"5"}
headers = {
"X-RapidAPI-Key": "e819277188msh68a6f7af77fad4dp172d06jsnc2bc1f8ab152",
"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
# print(response.text)
tracks = response.json().get('tracks')
hits = tracks.get('hits')
for track in hits:
if track ["track"]['key'] == '40099833':
json_formatted_str = json.dumps(track ["track"], indent=4)
print (json_formatted_str)