Statistics Unit II Vocabulary

  • Population - An entire group of which information is being collected
  • Sample - A subset of the population which data is collected from
  • Sampling Frame - The actual set of units from which a sample has been drawn/a list of selected units in a set
  • Voluntary Response Sample - Response taken from subjects who volunteer their answers
  • Convenience Sample - A sample taken from the most easily accessible population
  • Bias - A skew towards a specific result due to favoritism or otherwise that would not typically be present in the data
  • Undercoverage - When some members of a population are misrepresented or not represented at all in a sample
  • Systemic Random Sample - A sample with a random starting point, with equal intervals to select more subjects
  • Simple Random Sample - When the sampling method ensures every individual/group is equally likely to be chosen for a sample
  • Stratified Random Sample - Meaningful groups created from a population, with a random sample taken from each group
  • Cluster Sample - Naturally occurring diverse groups where all the individuals in the selected groups are sampled