Night at the Museum (11/3)
Night at the Museum 11/3
When I went to Night at the Museum on Thursday, I saw a lot of projects from this class and a few others.
One of the projects I saw from this class was from Noor and her group, where they used a search function that could use emotions (and synonyms of the provided emotion words) to provide a song that went with the given emotion. The program also featured an API that had each song on it, as well as a way for the user to vote for which emotion the song represented. The program would register the users’ votes for each song, for example, a Mitski song being voted as sad. The program would then take this information and match it to an emotion, so it would appear when that emotion was added in the search function.
I also went to one of my other classes, which is AP Studio Art, to look at the work from my friends in that class. There were no descriptions of the works, but they were displayed on the projecter for the class to see. The images there were progress shots of our works, and it was very interesting to see how the works progressed from bare minimum sketches to fully finished works.