College Board Grading Exercise 1

Submission 1:

Row Number My Score + Reasoning College Board Score + Why I Would Change My Score
1 1, the program works as intended, calculating values based on the given triangle side length numbers. 0, the program would not receive a 1 in this category because the written response does not describe the input nor output, nor specify the program’s purpose.
2 0, the program does not show that the inputs have been stored in a list. 1, there are two code segments provided, and there is a list called ‘sideIndex’ in the program as well, with a correct response along with it.
3 0, the program, nor does the written response, does not explain how the code manages the complexity of the program using lists or otherwise. 0, same score, different reasoning; the use of the list does not manage the complexity, as it is inaccurate in the written response, which discusses why lists are beneficial to the program.
4 1, there is more than one parameter that has an effect on how the prodecure is run, and a procedure is called. 1, same score, same reasoning.
5 1, the algorithm being utilized contains sequences, selection, and iteration by manipulating the numbers given to produce results. 1, same score, same reasoning, but could have added specifics regarding the iterative loop for variable i decreasing by 1 from A, B, or C.
6 1, in the written response, two calls are made to the selected procedure which allows the program to create an output from the given inputs. 1, same score, same reasoning, different arguments are called.

Submission 2:

Row Number My Score + Reasoning College Board Score + Why I Would Change My Score
1 1, the written response states the program’s functionality, and the input and output are shown visually. 1, same score, same reasoning.
2 1, there are two program segments provided, and a list is provided for data to be stored. 1, same score, uses startGrid as the list.
3 1, complexity is managed through a system of inputs being used to control the program. 1, same score, stores 10,800 items in a list.
4 1, two program code segments are used, one where different inputs affect the procedure’s output and another where the procedure is called. 1, same score, uses replaceList (procedure) with two parameters.
5 1, the program has multiple steps which are explained in the written portion. 1, same score, same reasoning, includes sequencing, selection with an if/else statement, and iteration with a repeating loop.
6 1, there are different arguments passed into the code 1, same score, same reasoning with inputs/outputs.

Essentially, a program would need:

  • Lists that log input data
  • A loop
  • More than one procedure that can be called
  • A way to input something that changes what is output by the procedure