College Board Grading Exercise 3

Submission 1:

Row Number My Score + Reasoning College Board Score + Why I Would Change My Score
1 1, the program functions as described. 1, same reasoning, same score.
2 1, data is stored in a list, named RPS. 0, RPS list is named, but is not used in the code.
3 1, list is named and it shows how the list is used to store data. 0, the written response does not specify the purpose of the program to the overall program.
4 1, there is a procedure and parameters that can be changed. 0, the written response does not specify the purpose of the code to the overall program.
5 1, a loop is used to create a looping procedure. 1, same reasoning and same score.
6 1, different calls are given to the procedure, and things change based on what is input. 1, same reasoning, same score.

Submission 2:

Row Number My Score + Reasoning College Board Score + Why I Would Change My Score
1 1, clear description of program function/functionality. 1, same score, same reasoning.
2 1, shows how the data has been stored in the list for re-usage later on. 1, same score, same reasoning.
3 1, offers a list and offers an option to how else the program could be used without the list. 1, same score, same reasoning.
4 1, shows the procedure and shows how the parameters can be manipulated to change the procedure. 1, same score, same reasoning.
5 1, the program uses sequencing, iteration, and selection to create an output. 1, same score, same reasoning.
6 1, two calls are made to the procedure, and the conditions being tested in each cell and the output is identified. 1, same score, same reasoning.

Submission 3:

Row Number My Score + Reasoning College Board Score + Why I Would Change My Score
1 1, mentions the program’s functionality. 1, same score, same reasoning.
2 1, shows how data is stored in the stateList. 0, the code does not show the data being utilized in the statelist.
3 0, does not show how a list is used to store data in the program. 0, same score, same reasoning.
4 1, shows and describes a procedure the student developed. 0, shows a procedure, but does not correctly describe it.
5 1, includes sequencing, selection, and iteration in a loop and how to recreate the program. 0, same score, same reasoning.
6 0, does not calls a procedure but does not have a changeable parameter specified. 0, same score, same reasoning.

Submission 4:

Row Number My Score + Reasoning College Board Score + Why I Would Change My Score
1 1, shows the program and states what it is used for. 1, same score, same reasoning.
2 1, shows how data has been stored for later use in the fishtypes list. 1, same score, same reasoning.
3 1, shows a list and uses it to show complexity by storing the fish caught data. 1, same score, same reasoning.
4 1, includes a student developed procedure that can be changed. 1, same score, same reasoning.
5 1, a program with procedure is shown, it has iteration, loops, sequencing, and etc. 1, same score, same reasoning.
6 1, shows the procedures being used/called and changed. 0, does not show the procedures being used, or changed.